Should The Death Penalty Still Be Supported?

The death penalty dates way back to the 1600’s, when George Kendall became the first ever recorded death by execution. Today we face a far more harder challenge: Should the death penalty stay, or should it be banished from the law? In my opinion, yes they should because right now we are overpopulating the planet and need to level out people. The best option is to execute all the national terrorists, people on trial against humanity, and warlords. It would be better because they aren’t going to get out of jail anytime soon and they are at a higher chance of being killed by inmates or have a higher chance killing inmates increasing his time in jail. While people want the death penalty to be still a law in all states, there are others who want it completely gone from the law. People think that it is a better idea to get rid of the death penalty because too many people are convicted for crimes they didn’t commit. Another reason why the penalty should be banished is that people already serving life in prison is a harsh enough sentence because they are going to die in prison by old age or from other inmates.